
Brian Wallace

Executive Director, Fuller Center for Spiritual and Missional Formation

Executive director of the Fuller Center for Spiritual and Missional Formation since 2015, Brian holds a doctorate in missiology from Fuller and is a clergy in the Anglican Church of North America. He spent 11 years as a pastor in Austin, Texas, and 19 years with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, largely as regional director serving Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Brian’s doctoral work, and years of church and ministry leadership helped create Fuller Formation Groups, which are serving churches and missions institutions around the country and the world. Brian has been married to his wife, Lisa, for 35 years. They have three adult sons, three wonderful daughters-in-law and three grandsons. Brian is an avid Red Sox fan, coffee drinker, and music lover.



Pre-work: 35 minute video, 30 minutes of personal reflection

In-session: 1 hour workshop and group discussion.

Scripture Pre-Read

At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” - Mark 1:9-11

Pre-work watch Video:

Please watch the above 35 minute video on Identity together as a team.

Your team will interact with the video and answer questions to foster engagement. For information on the questions and answers access the Facilitator Video Information.

Personal Reflection:

Encourage your team to review the Identity Personal Reflection Cards​ as part of their pre-work.

Workshop & Group Reflection:

We have a couple options for how you could go about this time with your team in combining a workshop with group discussion. We hope this allows you some flexibility to do what is best for your staff.

Workshop Option - Print this Identity Verses Template​ for each staff. After the personal reflection time, have you and your staff spend 10 minutes writing down three scriptures that speak the truth of their identity as beloved, related to, and delighted in by God. The hope would then be for staff to memorize these verses by the next call on Abiding. Please print these three page of scriptures​ that speak to identity to help.

Group Discussion Options -

1. Share about the personal reflection​ time and the questions asked during that time.

2. Have a group discussion around identity within community with an approach toward your staff identity as a whole: what is the current culture/identity of our staff and where do we want it to go?

Optional Enhancement:

In the video, Brian speaks to power of liturgy and stating truths together out loud. With any of the above options, begin and end with liturgy. This Identity Liturgy​ document should be screen-shared or printed out for staff to follow along to open and close the time together.

Additional Resources

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